シア*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・(*´ー`*)゜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゜・*

my hair

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w00t w00t ish like my hair (釻0ノ釻*)オッホホ(釻0ノ釻*)オッホホ!! ch00 kakkoi.oh yeah like totally \(o⌒∇⌒o)/やったぁ〜 yeah that is my uniform i`m wearing =333
(・∀・*) how ugly!!!

Mmm went to sk00l,,fuckin tired to the max..i kept thinking it`s Friday.oh me gawd so tired can i sleep plz?? I like sleeping in class coz i can sit while i sleep.Actually, I realise *since Mei Jyan told me the other day* that I can sleep in any position..w00t w00t!!+*。゜*。ヽ(☆゜∀`☆)ノ+*。゜*。 super natural sleeping-anywhere power+*。゜*。ヽ(☆゜∀`☆)ノ+*。゜*。!!*paAcHUu!!* yeah I sit on a chair and I fall asleep,I watch Tv n movie n I fall asleep,,I sit on a bed and I fall aslepp..haha pretty super natural Eh??!!n000ice♪嬉o┤*´3`*├o嬉o┤*´3`*├o嬉♪.erm yeah..no teacher in PDH so like the whole class * or was it just my n a few ppl* were like full taking pictures and swearing across the room...really fun.Ami n I took shitloads of pictures.Yeah too much to show u LA!!ノ(∀`*)アハハハハノ(∀`*)アハハハハ

yep yep..I went to Chatti after sk00l with Stefu and then she went home,Me was walking down interchange and saw Kei Jyan (σ釻∀釻)σ・・・━━━♪*♪*lucky*♪*♪ with Daniel weee~~~ Daniel doggd Kei to the max XD he ran to swimming yo. Then went to tZ with Kei.Calld Helen out to see me new hair.I was suspose to go city today but I don`t really feel like it anywayz.James was like y00h have to cum to show me yo.So like when he saw me he was like ヽ(^Д^*)アハハハハハハ.d0t d0t d0t uruseo(*≧□≦)o!!Then Helen was like let`s go the Library.i was like okai.So we walkd to the library.And me n Kei was just sitting at the Japanese section talking and reading manga.Okai Kei was looking at those eroi things and he found this pic of a chik with fats on her body n Kei was like ...aa kimochiwarui ( ゜Д`)y-。.。o○..haha it was so kawaii ne (*^-^*)// then later I walkd him to dentist and I went to find Vanessa to go shopping with me.She got me high light stuff for my hair.Thanks Vanessa!!<3<3 y00h!HEHEE..then after she went home n I went to eat dinner wiht mummi at Chatti.Then went home n went to aMi`s house to get some photos off her comp and taxed some songs from her compter hehe n000ice n000ice.

ok off now.