ヤベェ(;゜Д゜)ノ ‖WC‖*runs*


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ITS RABBY!!oh me gawd rabbit!!how cute is it!!weeee!!*does happy dance* Hehehe I love that lil rabbit<3<3 Otsuka created and Risa is gonna recreate it agen..somehow XD

オハヨォ_φ(゜▽゜*)♪I woke up at 7 todae*WTFガ━Σ(っ釻Д釻;)っ━ン!* to dye my hair agen coz last nite I dye it but it didn`t really turn out. The high light was pretty gay it looks like I dye my whole head.Okai I think I shud stop myself from dying my dead hair too much. I dyed my hair 3 times within 24 hours.That is shytness!!!Nawww.

After I dyed my hair I went to sk00lεε=。・゜(゜ノT-T)ノ, erm fuck,Ms Shand not here todae,it was Mrs Watts that was sitting at her office I was like..FUCKチ─(釻Д釻)→ン!I had nearly everything wrong on my uniform.She was full pissd off and told me to take off everything(# ゜Д゜)<ゴルァァァァァァァァァ!!!!!.So I was sitting infront of her taking off everything.Okai she was so fukin scary she got like lil bits of smudged masucra on her eye lids XD.I was like trying not to laugh when she was talking to me and I was giving dirties to her.Yeah so I was late to Science Prac Test and got locked out of the test gyaa(≧Д≦ノ)ノ ^&()%%@#$%^&U$%^!!!FUCKIN DICKHEAD!Today was pretty shitty at skool everything didn`t go well.All teachers wrote shitty stuff on my Level bookΣ(釻Д釻;o)o.It`s too shitty I can`t show it to Mrs Watts or else Im gonna get expelled T^T*scared*Better behave now...*mayb not but hey*yeah ok i hate sk00l *walks away*(。・ノ_ゝ・)
It was so fucki hot todae in the morning and then in the afternoon it was raining ice like wtf!!fuckin weird weather man!Oi!Rain trmw so I dun have sport T_T i dun like dancing,They dance gay stuff.And the teacher always picks on me.Fuckin bitch.OKok..
・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜(゜ー゜)゜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゜・*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜(゜ー゜)゜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゜・*
LaLaLa..I`m like talking on msn with *looks* 12 people O_O''yeah but the best thing anyone sed whole nite was this ::

Yo Ma' [JpK]"**~太 多 的 我 愛 ...say:
my sis the smartest person in the world

Oh,,n000ice Eh!?eheeh yep Im the smartest like oh yeahヾ| ̄ー ̄|ノ ヾ| ̄ー ̄|ノ!!hehe.Mm yeah its like 9 something now.I`m going out soon.But hoo cares we got strike tomroww!!weee!!n00ice n00ice I have to go to sk00l at 1o:3o!That means I can stay out late tonite n I still have 2 more h0urs of sleeping time!!weee!! Okai I`m gonna get out n0wz.

