i can`t cook ( ̄д ̄|||)

Goto Maki

the pic ^
shyyytness,,G0t0MaKi bef0re plastic*not really plastic,dunno y ppl call it ''plastic''sergury....fuckin disgustingness ew ヒイィィィ!!!!(゜ロ゜ノ)ノ...her eyes are like a dot in high skool..not n000ice...t00 much ''plastic'' is not healthy tsktsk.,.
Cho tired gyaaa!!!・°°・(*>_<*)・°°・yesterdae I went to Chatti to meet up with Rue,Mei,Hengsu n Genki..mm..Then like bummd for a while in Chatti and finally decide to go buy some alchol * geezz* Yeah,so we dicided to walk down to 7/11 and I like ACCIDENTLY got coffee on Hengsu kun 八(≧□≦;ごめん!!八(≧□≦;ごめん!! w00pzz...yeah n I have to kinda wash the stain off*1ヤダヤダ..and borrow a hairdryer from the Korean hair cutting place XD Then we went to city+k and then bummd at Galaxy and other places until late,, ard 2ish.went to Killara and walkd like 20 miles to Rue`s house yo..and then went to a park near her house to drink.Half of the ppl got drunk totally..Mei,Rue n Tomo..fuck.So dead like uihbkiuhgkuegadsnbhgvfcdswertyujnhbvgfdsxdcfgv yeah totally.*O_o* Me n Hengsu n Genki were just like huh wtf yoΣ( ̄ロ ̄( ̄ロ ̄*)...Genki like went off sumwhere in the park *can`t see,t00 dark* n Hengsu was full pissd off...The drunkies were just sleeping around the park dayo..and then after they got more drunk,went back into the fuckin house n got like 2 hours of sleep (/TДT)/あ〜.fuckin tired to the max.then this morning like woke up at 8 ahemahem.Yeah and then went home,went to chatti,eat lunch,went to city,met Emyli mum(┌´∀`┐)エヘヘ and Jamie,went to haircut,then took Emyli mama to the station yoヾ(* ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∇ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄*)ノ~~.After that Jamie n I bummd around to Wynyard c0z he wantd a FREE +DeliChoice+*n00000ice* i was hungry before but then after like 15 mintues of waiting in the line i was like..,o(*゜∀゜*)o neh,fuck it i dun feel like DeliChoice anymore xPP

Yeah erm my haircut yo(ノд`;)I went to **DreamMix** with Emyli mama n Jamie,,Jamie left at first then came back after a while..yeha i told the hair dresser to cut the side LONG and the back SHORT.well obveiously he didn`t really listen to me..well I wasn`t paying much attension to his cutting coz the hairdressers at **DreamMix** are sh000 kakk0i like w00t w00t (〃ノωノ)はずいぃぃ(〃ノωノ)はずいぃぃ!!ehehe...ch0 kawaii!!yeapp...enough ranting about haircut~ok I`m done.
