168.How old are they? from 10 -20?
169. Can you trust your friends? some *cough*
170. Who can you not trust at all? hahahaahaha...
171. Who can you trust the most? Anyone who gain my trust
185.Who seems to be there for you the most when you need it? Ness

More Annoying Questions*
96. Have you ever heard of the song .....wopps didn't get that question lol
197. If so, Do you like the song? can't answer lol..I feel stupid
198. Do you think Christina and Britney are sluts? no
199. Do you think Justin Timberlake is gay? Like I really give a fuck about him
200. Do you check your self out? if that is neccseeary(sp?)
201. If so, why? puberty?
202. Do you think you are sexy or ugly? im too sexy for your own good