

Time now:8.15pm 1. Name: Risa LALaRaBBYIMARRIEDHIROTO 2. Age: 16 3. Sex: Female 4. Birth place: Asia 5. Nickname: Rabby 6. Birthday: 11/14/1989 7. Height: 1m56 9. Hair: Hazel 10. Eye Color: light brown 11. Race: Asian 12. Religion: none 14…


Hiroto deeeeeeesu! You are a pretty happy person and appear very carefree, but from time to time your surprise everybody with how deep in thought you really are. Which member of Alice Nine are you? brought to you by QuizillaOh yeah : ]] ..…

Give your opinion of the following*

214. P.t. Cruisers: so what does PT stands for? 215. Prison: Yep, i visited once. 216. Drugs: It changed the way you think about the world 217. Sleep: Makes you feel like your dead. 218. Sex: A dick and a pussy. 219. Monkeys: Get the hell …

WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?!:8.32pm 168.How old are they? from 10 -20? 169. Can you trust your friends? some *cough* 170. Who can you not trust at all? hahahaahaha... 171. Who can you trust the most? Anyone who gain my trust 185.Who seems to be t…

107. What time is it? 8.23 108. Do you like anyone? yes i do like someone. 109. Name: Hiroto. 110. Age:20 111. Do you have a b/f or g/f? no damnit *walks into wall* 112. If so, who?: I said NO DAMNIT 113. Age: what the fuck u just asked th…

Bedroom/Sleeping Questions*

WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?!:8.22 89. What color are your sheets: dark blue with stars and moon 90. What color are your bedroom walls? sky blue 91. What do you sleep in? a bed? 92. Do you have an odd lamp in your room? yes. 93. Do you sleep in an…

Choose One*

WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?!: 8.22 75. Night/Day: Night 76. Rock/Rap: rock 77. Summer/Winter: Winter 78. Blue/Black: black 79. Spring/Fall: spring 80. Red/Purple: red 81. Scary movies/Funny: scary 82. Girls/Guys: guys 83. Phone/Internet: internet…

WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?!: 8.19 43. Food: Honkie Popcorn, Takoyaki,Green Tea ice cream 44. Movie: Deep love 45 Album: wFL and JROCK related. 46. Artist: ALICE NINE, MIYAVI,PSC artist 47. Color: red, black, blue,orange 48. Animal: cat 49. Drink…


29. Closest relative: my erm..labtop 30. Siblings: Like Idun wanna tell u 31. Names of siblings: Bou 32. Ages: 11+5 33. Parents name: no idea 34. Where are they from: my grandparents? 35. Do you have any alcoholics in your family? M…

Family Stuff*

アリス99 omg Hiroto CRAZY!~

HI!!! WASUP! YO!! Ok, I`m pretty bored these days so I will do those 100000 billion questions and answers and some more quiz xDDD To feed my bordom : ] I love HIroto!!