realising my weakness..


Today is such a good day at school since I only went to class for 2 periods.After recess i have resided myself to the sickbay and have a 'sick sleep'. I was too tired so I didn`t want to wake up and i was in a serious deep sleep that I woke up at 2:30 when school was finished.I left sickbay realiseing that OH SHIT where is the school jumper that I was going to give to Laura after skool!?!I went looking for it but no luck.So i went to the bus stop and saw albert and Kevin ( the rain looking guy) there sitting smoking.Albert was like hey did you leave your jumper at the bball court?and Im like yeah!! so esther took it over to the bus stop for me.SAVE.
So woohooohoo.I went on the bus with Bread Angel XD Oh haha Bread angel XD anywayz I was infront of him soooo good.I can nearly smell him >w< lOlz. I could hear his voice from the back of my head, like a voice of an angel from above..oh wait..i mean a voice of an angel from behind lMAO.Yeah well and afterwards I got to catch the same train as him.Oh thank you god for everything <3<3

Then I met Laura at the station to give her my jumper and my fast cash $$.nice.Then got hair dye and ran home to dye my hair getting ready for work.I was already late for work after I dyed my hair,so went to cha with Kai that lil sexi shit.After that went to work and saw an NOODLE ANGEL..mmm the guy that cooks the noodles is SEXY.

Thank god for another eye candy.He asked my number when I was going to the back of the shop to get some chilli.hehe.yOu shy cunt (^^) He can be my Noodle angel foreverrr.After that erm yeah went home and got like $40 paid wtf..that is like nothing yo.-_- cheapcunts.