

Kago Ai!!e'e kawaii >v<


Hmm..Today had Maths and computing exam XD haha thanks Sue for letting me copy 1 of her nice computing exam question.It was so hard I was like..eeer..ok..hehe.So hard.Maths was even worse.Total mark is 189.Do u fkn need that many!!eeer.mm..after exam it was sport so and i Didnt wanna go, so I dragged Isabella to walk home with me,and then after I have to walk back to sk00l with her..XD haha sadcase.Then LG calld and I was about to go to chatti and realise I dun have my bus pass *dies* so I walkd to chatswd from mai sk00l *wata sadcase* but luckki I was talking on the phone with Lg so I didn`t die from boredom.!!<3<3 Took me a while just to walk there.me n lg was like..let see who can get to Chatswd first!ehe he was on a bus, and i was walking -0-;; But he was only a bit faster then me ><''mmm..i lost so he didn`t buy me coke (TnT) so slak ar!!>< Then after I stayed with lg at chatti..bumming at mando and then Steve drove me home.Hmm..had a long talk with lg outside my house about something really important.I just hope that whatever happens next, no one will get killd in any way..(XoX) if LG tells me not to do something, I won`t.promise ^^Q!

老公我應成係你我唔會講=D但係你都應成我返返學好唔好?我要做第一個坐你架車嘅女人嫁!!♡♡我以傢晚晚都有幫你祈禱嫁!!你一定會得到架車呀!!到時我要老公車我周圍玩嫁!! 你要一努力呀!!加油呀老公!!記住呀^-^!!老婆會考好個試陪老公一齊過生日嘅!!
