
Today is my


Someone get me some pink balloons please!!

^-^ thanks for ALL those people that wished me Happy Birthday today!!! I love y00h all <3<3 *hugs* Kyaa...I can`t believe I`m 16 already -0-''what a fucking old slut...BLAHHH~~~~!!!Even tho its my birthday I still had fucking yearly exam.Oh mee gawwwd what the fuck.Yep I had English and Textiles and Design exam. Oh mai fuck everyone wrote so much for their extended response I was sitting there going..erm what the fark is this. The girl sat next to me wrote like..5 pages and I wrote like..1 n a half..O_O;; hmm...Anywayz.I had private study times coz I tries to sleep and it always gives me pins and needls on my arm and legs it feels so uncomfortable..gimme a bed plz.

After sk00l I went to Chatti to meet my 老公 coz he promised me that he will stay with me on mai birthday so I dragged him to city with me XDDD Uwaaa<3<3 thanks 老公!!!♥♥死你呀 >w< 其實有你陪我過生日已經係最好嘅生日禮物嚟嫁啦 ラブ♪(´ー`)(^-^*)ラブ♪

Lg made me eat too much wasabi on the salmon I nearly died XD.